How to Get Unbanned from BDO in 2025

MichaelBan Appeal2 Comments

In this post, we’ll walk you through how to submit a ban appeal with the purpose of getting unbanned from BDO.

Now, as with any popular MMO, some players might look for shortcuts when it comes to gathering resources or leveling alts. This is commonly known as botting, and it’s very much against the rules.

But, that’s not to say there’s no room for false positive bans, especially since a large part of the banning process is played by players’ reports.

Nonetheless, if you landed a ban in Black Desert Online, unless it was a false positive, it was likely due to:

  • using bots or other automation software (including mouse/keyboard macros);
  • toxicity / offensive chat;
  • real money trading;
  • boosting or sharing your account;
  • making use of glitches or exploits to your advantage.

As a side note, ever since Pearl Abyss decided to self-publish BDO, getting in touch with them changed completely, so here’s our step by step guide on how to contact BDO Support to appeal your ban.

Need Help with a Banned BDO Account?

We’re here to provide you with the best support in order to get you unbanned!

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Getting Unbanned from Black Desert Online

Here’s how to submit a BDO ban appeal:

  1. Go to their official Support website here;

    You don’t need to log into your account in order to submit this “Guest inquiry” form.

  2. Fill in your email address;

    Ideally, this should be the same one behind your BDO account.

  3. Input your Service Region and account plaform;

    This is the region in which you play BDO, and you can enter “EU” or “NA”. The platform can be “Steam”, for example.

  4. Write your Family Name;

    This is the surname of your BDO character (which applies to all other alt characters).

  5. Enter a concise and relevant subject;

    This can be “BDO Ban Appeal”, or “Unable to log into BDO”, for example.

  6. Write your ban appeal in the “Details” field;

    Here’s where we come in handy, should you require our professional and customized unban service designed to get your BDO account unbanned.

How to Get Unbanned from BDO
Source –

Attach any relevant files (if any), then read and agree to their required agreement below, in order to submit your form.

Once everything is in place, simply press the “Submit” button below! Now that everything is done, wait until they review your BDO unban appeal and get back to you with their reply. Good luck!

And lastly, here’s a quick FAQ regarding BDO bans:

Why did BDO lock my account?

You should receive an email confirmation informing you about the action taken. However, if you haven’t done anything that’s against the rules, this can be due to a payment issue or as a result of an account compromise.

Can you get unbanned from Black Desert Online?

Yes, although bans can only be overturned by contacting Pearl Abyss through ban appeals. That said, not all bans can be overturned, as this also depends on the severity of the action as well as your account’s previous history.

How can Unbanster help me get unbanned from BDO?

With an experience of over 9 years handling bans, we can help you get your Black Desert Online ban overturned by crafting customized appeal letters for you, based on your ban reason and case (as well as PearlAbyss’ replies), which you need to send to PearlAbyss’ Customer Support.

Need help with a BDO account ban?

We're here to give you the best help in order to get your BDO account unbanned!

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About the Author


Michael, founder and writer of Unbanster, brings over 20 years of gaming experience and a law degree to his specialized work in his unbanning service. Though he didn't pursue a traditional career in law, his unique legal perspective enables him to tackle the ins and outs of gaming policies and appeals processes. Motivated by a personal unjust ban, Michael launched Unbanster in 2015 to aid gamers facing similar challenges, having successfully assisted thousands to date, striving to ensure fairness and transparency in the gaming community.

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