How to Recover an Apex Legends Hacked Account in 2024

MichaelBanned AccountsLeave a Comment

In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about your Apex Legends hacked account, including what caused the compromise, as well as how you can recover it. First, let’s start with the reason behind it, as securing your account is a vital part of the recovery process. The Reason Behind Your Apex Legends Compromised Account There are a …

False Positive Bans in Games and What Triggers Them

MichaelBanned AccountsLeave a Comment

False positive bans in video games have been around ever since online gaming became a thing. However, the persistent mystery remains: what exactly sets off these bans? In this article, we cut through the confusion and reveal the precise factors that can unexpectedly lead to a false ban. And, as a bonus, this applies to any online game. There are …

Fortnite Suspended Account – Recovery Guide

MichaelBanned Accounts, FortniteLeave a Comment

Since 2015, we’ve been hard at work, assisting players in recovering their Fortnite suspended account. Our track record speaks for itself, with numerous penalties overturned and players back in the game. Today, we’re bringing our experience and insights, for over half a decade, to you. In this guide, we’ll get into the details behind Fortnite account (and HWID) restrictions, go …