wow gold

The Most Effective WoW TSM Addon Macros

MichaelInfo & Tips, WoWLeave a Comment

It’s no secret that when it comes to making gold in World of Warcraft, the TradeSkillMaster 3 (TSM) addon is by far one of your best friends. On top of that, the release of TSM 4 has been confirmed, so you’d better get your WoW TSM macros all ready and bound!

None of the below macros or keybinds are against World of Warcraft’s Terms of Use, which means you can NOT be banned for using them, as long as you don’t automate it (through a bot or third party software).

TSM Sniper Macro

As you probably know already, when you’re using the TSM Sniper, there’s little to almost no time to decide if you’re going to get that item or not, let alone having to click on the item, pressing “Buyout” and then confirming your action in the pop-up window.

That’s exactly the reason for which you should be using this macro:

/click TSMShoppingBuyoutButton
/click TSMShoppingBuyoutConfirmationButton

This will instantly buyout the item you’ve selected, and will also confirm its purchase, so make sure not to press it randomly hoping you’ll get any item, because not all Sniper deals are as good!

Furthermore, if you also want to keep your mouse in a fixed position and just Snipe the latest deal as fast as possible, thus reducing the time you’d have to put in by clicking on said item, you can add this line in the previous macro as well:

/run GetMouseFocus():Click()
/click TSMShoppingBuyoutButton
/click TSMShoppingBuyoutConfirmationButton

This is a great macro for your TSM Sniper, and I recommend binding it on a side mouse button, to ensure that whatever deal pops up doesn’t go to waste because you were holding a coffee mug with your other hand while sniping the Auction House, for example.

If you don’t currently have a mouse with side buttons, but are willing to get one, then you should take a look at this article which compares some of the best MMO mice. It’s not only extremely helpful when it comes to WoW TSM macros, but for actual PvP and PvE encounters as well.

TSM Destroy and Craft Macros

Whether you’re disenchanting items, prospecting ores or milling herbs, I’m sure we can all agree it’s way faster with a macro, especially if you’d like to watch a movie on a second screen or do something else meanwhile.

TSM Destroy Macro

So, without further ado, here are the macros for the TSM destroying and crafting operations:

/click TSMDestroyButton


/click TSMCraftNextButton

TSM Post and Cancel Auctions Macros

Did you make yourself a TSM Group of transmog gear that you wish to constantly repost on the Auction House, but sometimes you just can’t be bothered to empty your mailbox and list every single one of them manually every time they expire?

Well, you’re in luck, because there is a TSM posting macro for that as well, and one even for canceling after an undercut scan!

This will ensure that you have your items always on top, with pretty much no downtime, as it takes just a few seconds to post or cancel them!

/click TSMAuctioningPostButton
/click TSMAuctioningCancelButton
/click TSMShoppingCancelConfirmationButton

For this macro, though, I recommend using TSM’s actual macro function, and binding it on the mouse scroll wheel, with a modifier such as CTRL. It’s so much easier to just click the “Start Post Scan” or “Start Cancel Scan” buttons and simply hold down CTRL + mouse wheel up/down.

In order to do that:

  • Type /tsm;
  • Go to Macro Setup;
  • Check both TSM_Auctioning ‘Post’ Button and TSM_Auctioning ‘Cancel’ Button;
  • At the bottom, select both Up and Down for the Scroll Wheel Direction, and choose ALT, CTRL (my personal preference) or SHIFT as modifier;
  • Click Create Macro and Bind Scroll Wheel.

TSM Macro Post Cancel Setup


Given how helpful TSM 3 is when it comes to making gold in WoW, the above mentioned macros should kick it up a notch, saving even more time and effort on your side when trying to sell your in-game items or buy cheap ones to flip on the Auction House.

If bound properly, especially on a mouse, only latency, and well, maybe bots, can stand between you and that 100g Spectral Tiger! 🙂

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About the Author


Michael, founder and writer of Unbanster, brings over 20 years of gaming experience and a law degree to his specialized work in his unbanning service. Though he didn't pursue a traditional career in law, his unique legal perspective enables him to tackle the ins and outs of gaming policies and appeals processes. Motivated by a personal unjust ban, Michael launched Unbanster in 2015 to aid gamers facing similar challenges, having successfully assisted thousands to date, striving to ensure fairness and transparency in the gaming community.

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