How to Get Unbanned from ESO in 2025

MichaelBan AppealLeave a Comment

ESO (The Elder Scrolls Online) is one of the few MMORPGs out there that manage to still stay alive and actually even relevant, despite living in a time where old and even newer MMORPGs shut down constantly. In fact, quite recently, even WildStar’s shutdown has been announced.

That being said, as with any MMORPGs, especially popular ones, there’s always room for reason to get banned, even out of the blue. Whether someone is using cheats, bots, or simply gets mass reported for it, bans for any reason happen all the time, and more so, even as a result of false positives.

On top of that, there were cases in ESO which resulted in warnings, suspensions or even bans for something as little as throwing mud (yes, literally) at other players. So, with that in mind, we decided to cover a guide on how to submit an ESO account unban appeal, should you ever find your ESO account banned!

ESO Banned Account

How to Get Unbanned from Elder Scrolls Online

  • First and foremost, visit the ESO help center;
  • Scroll to the bottom of this page, and click on Submit a Ticket;
  • Log into your ESO account;
  • If you weren’t yet redirected on the ESO account unban appeal form, make sure to click once more on Submit a Ticket;
  • On the ESO “Web Assistant” page, select your platform, then click “Next” – for our ESO account unban appeal guide we’ll be using “Windows”;
  • Under “Select a Category”, choose Account;
  • Under “Select a sub-category”, choose I have an account recovery issue;
  • For the “Select an issue” section, pick Appeal Suspension / Ban;
ESO Account Unban Appeal Guide
  • Once you’ve made the above selections, you’ll be instructed to proceed to this link, which is the Account Recovery page;
  • Now, that you’re on the Account Recovery page, you’ll need to fill in your details accordingly:
    • Input your ESO banned account’s current e-mail address;
    • Input your correct ESO UserID / Gamertag / PSN ID;
    • Select the platform on which you play ESO – in our case, PC;
    • Under “Issue type”, select Suspended / compromised;
    • Select your desired account ownership verification method, and answer it correctly;
  • When you reach “Describe your problem in detail”, here’s where your ESO account unban appeal needs to be detailed, with a length of maximum 500 characters. However, you can choose to leave that to our professional and customized ESO unban service, designed to get your ESO account unbanned;
  • Attach any relevant documents, if any (not mandatory).
ESO Account Unban Appeal

Now, once everything is filled in correctly, simply press the “Submit” button on the bottom right side of the page. However, here’s the catch, as ESO states, if your issue is a simple one, you might receive an automated response. This means that, if you do end up receiving an automated response, all you need to do is reply to their mail, and once more, detail (or paste) your ESO account unban appeal inside that mail, and send it to them.

Account Unbanned from ESO

This way, your concern will get before the eyes of an ESO Customer Support employee, and you’ll be sure that your issue will be reviewed and investigated.

So, this is it! Whether you got your ESO account banned by getting reported for random actions, such as throwing mud at other players, or if the issue is more complicated, we hope our guide on how to submit an appeal for ESO account unban will help you recover your account!

And lastly, here’s a quick Q&A with some of the most common ESO ban related questions we received:

What can you get banned for in ESO?

The most common reasons to get banned from ESO are:
– cheating (bots, automation software, scripts, macros);
– toxicity;
– account sharing;
– RMT;
– payment issues;
– using glitches or exploits for any reason.

How long do ESO bans last?

Unless the email notifying you of the punishment mentions a temporary suspension, your ban is permanent. The only way of having it removed is by submitting a ban appeal.

Can you get unbanned from Elder Scrolls Online?

Yes, although not in every situation or case. For example, while we’ve helped overturn quite a few ESO bans, we can say with certainty that if your ban was issued as a result of threats or slurs, there’s no chance of getting it removed. Also, if you’ve had previous suspensions, that’s also going to negatively affect the chances of getting the ban overturned.

Can I start a new ESO account if I’m banned?

Yes. ESO doesn’t issue HWID bans, so unless you’re not doing anything that would attract player reports or otherwise breaking the rules, you shouldn’t have an issue playing on a new account.

How can Unbanster help me get unbanned from ESO?

With an experience of over 9 years handling bans, we can help you get your ESO ban overturned by crafting customized appeal letters for you, based on your ban reason and case.

Need help with an ESO account ban?

We're here to give you the best help in order to get your ESO account unbanned!

Get unbanned from ESO!
About the Author


Michael, founder and writer of Unbanster, brings over 20 years of gaming experience and a law degree to his specialized work in his unbanning service. Though he didn't pursue a traditional career in law, his unique legal perspective enables him to tackle the ins and outs of gaming policies and appeals processes. Motivated by a personal unjust ban, Michael launched Unbanster in 2015 to aid gamers facing similar challenges, having successfully assisted thousands to date, striving to ensure fairness and transparency in the gaming community.

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