How to Get Unbanned from Apex Legends in 2025

MichaelBan Appeal1 Comment

In this article, we’ll go over our comprehensive guide on how to get unbanned from Apex Legends, so you can jump back in the game and enjoy the new content!

Let’s first start by going through what can actually get your Apex Legends account banned!

Overturned Apex Suspension
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Bannable Offenses in Apex

Common to most BR games, Apex included, here are the most popular account restriction reasons:

  • using cheats – anything that is considered third party software. They grant you an unfair advantage over other players, such as auto aim, no recoil, wall hack, and so forth;
  • making use of glitches, exploits or bugs – steer clear of them and report them to EA Support;
  • account sharing – you are not allowed to share your EA account with anyone, for any reason;
  • toxicity – which is essentially anything that can be offensive to others. Spamming, bullying, racial slurs, threats, insults and anything alike, same as for Valorant bans;
  • selling/buying in-game content for real money – anything related to Apex cannot be sold or bought for real money. Including skins, accounts, currency and anything else that can be transacted.

And, since cheating is the most predominant reason, the latest ban wave in Apex Legends took place on December 15, 2023, for third party usage.

In regards to using a VPN, EA isn’t openly against them, granted you don’t use one for buying coins at a lower price. On the other hand, Epic Games will ban Fortnite accounts for using a VPN.

Here’s the EA ToS to get up-to-speed with all things to avoid.

Now, let’s see whether or not you can get unbanned from Apex Legends!

Can You Unban an Apex Legends Account?

Yes, you can unban your Apex Legends account, albeit not in every single case. This also depends on why the account was restricted in the first place.

The most important factor in getting an Apex Legends ban lifted is the reason for the punishment.

For extreme toxicity, racism or real life threats, the chances of having the suspension overturned are extremely low to none.

Then again, if your restriction is for a compromised Apex account, mild toxicity or cheating allegation, then yes. You do stand a good chance to unban your Apex account!

Account Unbanned from Apex Legends
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Cheating Bans

EA is very serious when it comes to cheating. Despite that, not every punishment is issued correctly. In fact, false positive bans happen frequently, in most games.

Here are a few examples that can trigger false positive bans:

  • work and coding software (AutoIt, AutoHotkey);
  • trainers for other games;
  • mass false reports against you;
  • unusual activity on the account, high win-rate or accuracy;
  • playing from multiple devices and locations.

And these are just a few, but it goes to show that false bans can happen. Whether by the system or as a human mistake on their end.

The good part though, is that it’s easy to unban an Apex Legends account after a false restriction.

However, don’t forget that for most cheating penalties, EA also bans HWID. This means your entire device is prohibited from playing, but that ban will be removed alongside the account.

Removed Apex Account Ban
Happy customer recovering their Apex account after being unfairly banned for cheating

Toxicity Bans

Apex Legends is one of the few Battle Royale games that takes toxicity very seriously. In fact, it’s merely second to LoL toxicity bans.

In this regard, EA has a similar penalty system for toxicity, namely:

  • 7 days account suspension for the 1st offense;
  • 14 days account suspension for the 2nd one;
  • permaban for the 3rd and final one.

Of course, this only applies for mild toxicity, griefing and rudeness.

For extreme cases, such as hate speech, slurs, threats and such, accounts are permabanned right away. Even without any prior suspension or warning. These are also the cases with a low to no chance at an Apex account recovery.

However, since toxicity is subjective at times (except for the slurs and racism), quite a few cases get unbanned from Apex Legends, even if they’ve been permanently restricted.

More so, a lot of the toxicity suspensions originate from player reports. Because of that, there’s also room for false bans here as well. Take a look at the image below, for example.

False Toxicity Report in Apex Legends

Not really toxic, is it? And it especially doesn’t warrant a ban, but there you go.

Bottom line is, yes, you can unban an Apex Legends account, even if the offense is toxicity.

Dealing with a ban in Apex Legends?

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Can You Appeal an Apex Legends Suspension?

There are a few reasons for Apex suspensions, such as:

  • boosting;
  • account sharing;
  • glitches;
  • RMT;
  • griefing.

Of course, the same offenses can lead to a permaban too. In this chapter though, we’ll address only temporary suspensions.

Account Unbanned from Apex

To answer the question, yes, you can appeal an Apex suspension. However, that also depends on its duration.

If you’re suspended for 7 days, there’s a chance for the suspension to expire before EA has the chance to review your Apex Legends ban appeal. In this regard, it’s not worth it.

On the other hand, if you’re suspended for a longer period, you definitely can and should appeal your Apex suspension!

Do note though, as part of the above-mentioned offenses, any rewards obtained as such might be removed.

If any of your legitimately earned rewards are removed as part of the penalty, include them in your Apex Legends ban appeal.

And, finally, let’s see how to get unbanned from Apex Legends!

How to Get Unbanned from Apex Legends

To unban an Apex account, you must submit an Apex Legends ban appeal via their website. Here’s how to do that.

  1. Go to the EA Help page right here;

    Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Contact Us”.Apex Legends Ban Appeal

  2. Choose the platform you play Apex on;

    If you play on a computer, go with PC or Steam. For anything else, select the correct one, so they can easily locate your account.Apex Legends Platform

  3. Select the “Manage my account” topic;

    You don’t need to be logged into your account. However, if you’re able to, you can go ahead and log in.Unban Apex Account

  4. Pick the “Banned or suspended account” issue;

    Alternatively, you can go with “Can’t log in”, “Hacked account” or “Restore account”, based on the nature of your issue, whether it’s an Apex Legends ban appeal or account recovery form.Remove Apex Legends permanent ban

  5. Click on “Select contact option”;

    This will take you to the final form in order to appeal for your Apex account.

  6. Input your name and email;

    If you’re logged into your account, you should automatically skip this step.

  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Email”;

    This will open your Apex Legends ban appeal form.

  8. Enter a relevant subject, such as “Apex Legends ban appeal”;

    Alternatively, depending on your issue, you can go with “Recover Apex Legends account” or “Unable to log into my account”.

  9. Write your ban appeal description.

    Here’s where we come in handy, should you require our professional and customized unban service designed to get your account unbanned from Apex Legends!

Once you finish, simply press the “Email us” button underneath the Apex Legends ban appeal. This sends your ticket to EA Support.

You’ll receive their answer via email, the one you’ve put in the above form. Make sure to keep an eye on it, as well as on the Spam folder!

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Apex Legends Account Ban Removed

For Apex Legends Mobile, the ban appeal process is the same. The only difference being the Support link, as well as having to choose your mobile platform prior to the ban appeal.

What to Expect When You Submit an Apex Legends Ban Appeal?

There’s no easy way to say this, but EA does not have a very friendly Customer Support service. As in, it doesn’t even remotely compare to how friendly Epic Games is when you submit a Fortnite ban appeal.

When you submit an Apex Legends ban appeal, you should almost always expect an uphill battle. Yes, even if the ban has been unfairly issued. For some reason, many Support agents, from most companies, would rather rely on the anti-cheat’s initial flag rather than the actual evidence.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that they won’t overturn bans or ignore your ban appeal, but you should be prepared to be met with quite a few cold answers. Or, the classic “We received your latest message regarding the action taken on your account. We have performed all investigations possible on this issue and will not reverse the decision.“.

That being said, we’ve helped overturn hundreds of cases for our happy clients, regardless of how Support chose to behave at times. Here are a few tips:

  • don’t ever be rude or threatening, no matter if you’re innocent and regardless of how they choose to answer;
  • be specific about your case;
  • refrain from submitting more than one appeal at a time;
  • be patient, sometimes they might answer within hours, sometimes it can take a few days or more, depending on their current volume of work.

Or, you could let us defend you! : )

Apex Legends Overturned Account Ban
Happy client we’ve helped get unbanned from Apex Legends
Can you make a new EA account after being banned?

That depends on the nature of your ban. If it was just your account that was banned, you should be able to create a new account.
If you were HWID banned, any account you create on that particular computer will also get banned, preventing you from playing Apex altogether. This can only be solved by successfully appealing both bans.

Does EA delete banned or inactive accounts?

No, EA will not delete your account regardless if it’s banned or inactive. The only way to have your account deleted (if you really want to), is to submit an account deletion request to EA (such as GDPR).

Can you bypass an Apex ban?

There’s really no safe way to bypass an Apex ban, especially not a HWID one. The best way to do so is by appealing it to get it removed.
Using a spoofer or trying to change computer parts can cause your new ones to get banned as well.

Will Apex ban you for using a VPN?

No, EA does not ban for VPN usage, unless you’re specifically using it to make purchases from different countries. But, keep in mind that if you’re trying to bypass a HWID ban with it, it will not work.

How can Unbanster help me get unbanned from Apex Legends?

We can help you get your Apex Legends ban overturned by crafting customized appeal letters for you, based on your ban reason and case (as well as EA’s replies), which you need to send to EA.

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About the Author


Michael, founder and writer of Unbanster, brings over 20 years of gaming experience and a law degree to his specialized work in his unbanning service. Though he didn't pursue a traditional career in law, his unique legal perspective enables him to tackle the ins and outs of gaming policies and appeals processes. Motivated by a personal unjust ban, Michael launched Unbanster in 2015 to aid gamers facing similar challenges, having successfully assisted thousands to date, striving to ensure fairness and transparency in the gaming community.

Comments 1

  1. I have been banned and as far as I am concerned I have never had a reason to be banned or done anything against apex rules.

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