How to Get Unbanned from Warframe in 2025

MichaelBan Appeal2 Comments

In this post, we’ll cover how to get unbanned from Warframe by submitting a ban appeal.

Warframe is a very popular game, and, as it happens with every popular game, it has its fair share of account bans. In fact, one of its latest ban waves happened due to negative platinum balance, which resulted in a fair amount of players getting banned.

This kind of problem arises when players purchase platinum from different sources, which are not authorized by Warframe, at a much lower price, and then use that platinum to purchase in-game items, slots, forma and so on.

On top of that, as with any competitive third-person shooter game, a lot of people are inclined to use tools such as hacks or aimbots. More so, a lot of other people are inclined to report someone, knowing that such software is available, assuming someone is using it.

Either way, regardless of the reason you got restricted for, check our guide below, which you should follow in order to try and get unbanned from Warframe.

So, let’s get right to it!

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How to Get Unbanned from Warframe

Here’s how to submit a Warframe ban appeal:

  1. Go to their official website here and log into your Warframe account;

  2. Once you’ve logged in, you should be able to access the Submit a Request form here;

    Otherwise, scroll to the bottom of the website and click on “Support”;

  3. Input a concise and clear subject, such as “Warframe ban appeal”;

    Make sure that the issue is selected as “My Account”;
    How to Submit a Warframe Ban Appeal

  4. Select the “Account is Banned/Suspended” category;

    If your Warframe account was banned as a result of a compromise, choose “Account has been hacked instead”;

  5. Write your ban appeal;

    Here’s where we come in handy, should you require our professional and customized unban service designed to help you recover your Warframe account.

How to Get Unbanned from Warframe
Source –

Once that’s done, simply press the “Submit” button below, and your Warframe appeal will be sent to Customer Support, to review your case.

Until you hear back from them, via email (the one you’ve registered your Warframe account on), don’t submit any other tickets, as to not further slow down the ticketing system. Also, make sure to keep an eye on the Spam folder every now and then!

So, this is it! Regardless of the accusation behind your Warframe restricted account, we hope that our guide was of help. Best of luck!

And last but not least, here’s a short FAQ regarding Warframe bans:

Can I get unbanned from Warframe?

Yes, although only via a ban appeal and only if your ban isn’t related to extreme toxicity or a negative balance you’re not willing to pay back. That said, your account’s history also plays an important role in the ban appeal process, so if you already have a few prior suspensions, the chances of getting the ban overturned decrease dramatically.

Does Warframe IP ban?

No, they don’t issue IP bans but they do sometimes (depending on the severity of the offense), issue a HWID ban. That’s a ban on your entire computer (its hardware parts), alongside your account. This can only be overturned by submitting a ban appeal.

What is bannable in Warframe?

Here are the most common reasons for which you can get a ban in Warframe:
– cheating (bots, automation tools, macros, scripts);
– toxicity towards other players;
– making use of exploits and glitches;
– RMT and purchasing any in-game items or currency from unofficial / third party sources;
– getting boosted or sharing your account.

Are game bans permanent in Warframe?

Unless the email notifying you of the punishment mentions a temporary suspension, your ban is permanent. That said, it seems that quite a few bans they issue do have an expiration date of around 10-12 years from the moment they were issued. So, it’s sort of a permanent ban.

How can Unbanster help me get unbanned from Warframe?

With an experience of over 9 years handling bans, we can help you get your Warframe ban overturned by crafting customized appeal letters for you, based on your ban reason and case.

Need help with a Warframe account ban?

We're here to give you the best help in order to get your account unbanned!

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About the Author


Michael, founder and writer of Unbanster, brings over 20 years of gaming experience and a law degree to his specialized work in his unbanning service. Though he didn't pursue a traditional career in law, his unique legal perspective enables him to tackle the ins and outs of gaming policies and appeals processes. Motivated by a personal unjust ban, Michael launched Unbanster in 2015 to aid gamers facing similar challenges, having successfully assisted thousands to date, striving to ensure fairness and transparency in the gaming community.

Comments 2

    1. Same here. I let my cousin play for a bit and he said one offensive word and it’s all gone (it wasn’t really a word at first but somehow people still managed to give it an offensive meaning)

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