Aion Unban Appeal Guide for 2025 – How To

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In the post below, we’ll go over what you can do in order to get unbanned from Aion, should you ever get your account banned!

There’s no secret that when you’re talking MMO, Aion has its safe spot out there as well, along with others such as WoW, TERA, BDO and so forth.

However, the more popular a game is, the more competitive its players are, and as we usually know, competition can sometimes mean trying to be the best at something through any means necessary, some of which could get you banned from Aion.

That being said, let’s see what some of these means are, thus seeing what you can or can’t do so you don’t get banned in Aion.

What can get you banned from Aion?

If you want to read the whole thing, specifically the Aion User Agreement, which all players must agree to before being able to play the game, you can find it here. However, in this section, we’ll cover the most common ways that can lead to an account to be banned from Aion, so let’s get right to it:

  • botting – this is probably the most common reason for which players get banned in Aion, due to using bots for all kinds of in-game automation. Regardless what the bot is for, it’s a bannable offense, so don’t do it;
  • cheating – this can be anything from other third-party software (not just bots), to exploiting, modding or other suchs things that can even remotely grant you an unfair advantage over other players. So, even if you do find a glitch in game, without using any software, you shouldn’t make use of it, but instead report it to Aion Support;
  • account sharing – for any reason, especially for power-leveling, boosting and any such activities;
  • toxicity – through any type of in-game harassment or through your in-game name;
  • selling/buying – any in-game item, resource or currency for real money.

Can you get unbanned from Aion?

Despite what you might have heard, Aion can sometimes ban you for no reason, whether it’s a false positive or suspicious activity, although of course, if that happens, you can be almost certain they’ll unban your Aion account upon contacting them.

So yes, regardless of the accusation against you, you are welcome to submit an appeal which can get you unbanned from Aion, because ultimately not every banned player is guilty, and more so, some do get second chances based on their alleged offense.

However, it goes without saying that not everyone or every single account can or will get unbanned from Aion, but still, the ban reason shouldn’t stop you from submitting an Aion unban appeal if you want to.

With that in mind, let’s get to the most important part, namely how to submit an Aion unban appeal in order to try and get unbanned from Aion!

How to submit an Aion unban appeal?

The very first thing you need to do in order to start your Aion unban appeal process is to proceed on the Aion Support website, right here.

Once you’re on the Support page, click on the “Submit a Ticket” on the right side of the page, and then proceed to log into your currently banned Aion account.

how to get unbanned from Aion


After logging into your account, you’ll finally be presented with the Aion ban appeal form, which you’ll need to complete accordingly. Let’s take a look at how to complete the form in order to try and get unbanned from Aion!

  • first thing, make sure to select “Account Issues” under “Submit a request”, which will generate the actual Aion unban appeal form;
  • under “Subject“, input anything relevant, such as “Banned from Aion”, “Ban appeal” or something among those lines;
  • for the “Description” part, that’s where the actual Aion ban appeal takes place, and that’s also where we can help you better word your ticket based on your case’s defense, should you require our professional and customized unban service for Aion, designed to get you unbanned from Aion;
  • under “What kind of account issue are you having?“, make sure to choose “I’ve been banned”;
  • input your Date of Birth;
  • attach any files, if there’s anything relevant in regards to your Aion ban appeal (optional).
Aion unban appeal guide


Once all of that is done, simply press the “Submit” button underneath the Aion unban appeal, and your ticket will be sent to Support.

You’ll receive their answer via mail, the one behind your banned Aion account, so make sure to keep an eye on it, as well as on the Spam folder!

Need help with a banned Aion account?

We're here to give you the best help in order to get your Aion account unbanned!

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About the Author


Michael, founder and writer of Unbanster, brings over 20 years of gaming experience and a law degree to his specialized work in his unbanning service. Though he didn't pursue a traditional career in law, his unique legal perspective enables him to tackle the ins and outs of gaming policies and appeals processes. Motivated by a personal unjust ban, Michael launched Unbanster in 2015 to aid gamers facing similar challenges, having successfully assisted thousands to date, striving to ensure fairness and transparency in the gaming community.

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