League of Legends Banned Account 2024 Recovery Guide

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If your account got banned from League of Legends, then this article is for you!

Below, drawing from our extensive experience with overturning bans since 2015, we’ll go over every reason that can get your account restricted in League, including false and mistaken bans. These are:

  • cheating;
  • abusive behavior;
  • account sharing;
  • fraudulent activity;
  • false positives.

And, for a better understanding, let’s go through a short summary of each offense, to help you understand why your account was banned from LoL.

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Cheating Bans

In League of Legends, there are a few different ways to cheat, namely:

  • scripts;
  • bots;
  • exploits and bugs.

At Unbanster, we have analyzed a batch of 1315 bans in League of Legends that we have handled, excluding ban waves. Based on our analysis, we have identified the top reasons for restrictions, in descending order, which are toxicity, alleged cheating, boosting, and gifting abuse.

League of Legends Ban Statistics

Scripting in LoL

There are 3 types of scripts in LoL, utility, awareness and champion scripts.

Utility scripts are used perfect movement, such as dodging. It’s almost impossible to win a fight against an utility scripter. The script queues the counter response to your action as soon as you press the ability.

Awareness scripts grant you the ability to see things you’re not supposed to. Thus, with them, you can see the whole map, through walls, as well as the location of every enemy. More so, you can also see everyone’s abilities and cooldowns.

Champion scripts on the other hand are designed for a particular hero only. For example, a scripting Draven will always catch his axes. Any champion scripter is a very dangerous foe, as they’re almost always at their full potential.

Scripting leads to a permanent League of Legends account ban.

Banned from LoL for Scripting


Botting is yet another form of third party software cheating in League. However, unlike scripting, bots are usually designed to level LoL accounts up.

Most bots go about their job, which is to chain games and level up accounts. Unless there’s an event requiring players to play a specific amount of games to receive a reward, you’ll usually encounter bots on fresh accounts, in unraked matches.

Bots in League don’t ping anything, never type anything in chat nor answer to any calls. They also make questionable item purchases and focus extensively on farming.

Of course, they can be mistaken for new players, as we’ve all been there at some point – playing like bots.

Riot punishes botting with permanent LoL account bans.

Banned from League for Botting

Exploits and Bugs

Exploits and bugs are rarely part of any particular software. Instead, they’re unintended flaws in the game’s design or latest patch.

Players who make use of exploits do so in order to gain an unfair advantage. These can pertain to being invisible, untargetable, increase their damage and so forth.

They’re quite unusual in League of Legends but even so, if found, they can wreak havoc in games.

If you do encounter a bug, glitch or exploit, make sure to avoid it and report it to Riot.

Exploiting punishments can carry 14-day suspensions or permanent bans.

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Abusive Behavior in League

Abuse behavior is the same as toxicity in League of Legends. However, behavior related offenses include:

  • toxicity, flaming, negativity, harassment;
  • griefing;
  • inting and feeding;
  • AFKing;
  • false reporting.

Toxicity Restrictions

If you get banned from League of Legends for toxicity, the punishments vary based on the degree of the offense.

Thus, if your logs aren’t related to racism, slurs or any other form of offensive behavior, the account penalties are:

  • 3-day chat mute for the very first time;
  • 7-day chat mute for the second time;
  • 14-day account suspension for the third time;
  • permanently banned account for the forth and last time.

On the other hand, if your logs are very bad and related to the above mentioned insults, your League of Legends account is permanently banned. Note that in such cases, it doesn’t matter if you never had a prior warning or suspension.

Riot takes harassment, racism, slurs and threats very seriously and thus, will ban your LoL account on the spot. Again, even if it’s your very first offense. Same bans apply to Valorant as well.

Banned from League of Legends for Toxicity

Griefing, Inting and Feeding

Getting banned from LoL for griefing, inting or feeding is similar to toxicity restrictions.

However, there are no chat restrictions for inting or feeding. Instead, you receive a 14-day account suspension for your first offense, followed by a permanent ban for the second one.

That said, if enough time passes after your first 14-day suspension, it’s likely you might get another 2-week ban before a permanent one. But, if the second offense comes within weeks or so after the first one, it’s followed by a permanent League account ban.


Unlike the previous offenses, AFKing or leaving matches has a completely different set of punishments.

They’re called queue lockouts and queue delays, and they do just that – prevent you from queueing or delay your ability to do so.

There’s also a tier-based system in place which tracks the amount of times you leave games or go AFK. Tier 0 is the absolute normal, with 0 queue delay or lockout, whereas Tier 7 has a 14-day queue lockout and a 15 minute delay for 5 games.

TierQueue LockoutQueue Delay
1None5 minutes for 5 games
2None10 minutes for 5 games
3None15 minutes for 5 games
41 days15 minutes for 5 games
53 days15 minutes for 5 games
67 days15 minutes for 5 games
714 days15 minutes for 5 games

Source: lol.garena.ph

Queue lockouts prevent you from being able to queue for any match altogether. It’s as close to a League account suspension as it can get.

Queue delays force you to wait between 5 and 15 minutes before signing up for a match. If you have a 5 minute delay for 5 games, you need to wait 5 minutes before you’re able to queue up for every single one of the next 5 matches.

Essentially, the more games you leave or AFK, the higher your Tier level gets. On the other hand, the more games you play without leaving or AFKing, the lower your Tier level gets.

This is not something you can wait out. You need to actively work towards lowering your Tier level in order to get rid of lockouts and delays.

Queue Lockout in LoL

False Reporting

Reporting other players for no reason is yet another bannable offense. However, it’s unlikely to get your account banned from League of Legends just because you reported a player you suspected of cheating or being toxic.

In fact, this is mostly related to asking others to report a particular player because you believe they broke the rules.

Thus, if you are offended by a player’s behavior, you’re more than free to report them. But, don’t ask others to do so as well, because that’s considered report abuse.

False reporting in LoL follows the same escalation path as toxicity, from a 3 day chat ban and all the way up to a permanent ban.

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Sharing Your LoL Account

There are a few account sharing related offenses that can get you banned in League, namely:

  • sharing your account with someone;
  • getting boosted;
  • selling or buying accounts.

You’re not allowed to share your LoL account with anyone, for any reason.

That means that you can’t allow your friend, nephew or sister to play on it, and neither should you play on theirs. It’s a free-to-play game, so any person looking to try it out should create their own account.

Besides, if you truly cherish your account, you shouldn’t allow anyone to play on it. You never know what kind of software they’re running on their computers that could get your LoL account banned.

Or, who knows? Maybe your friend has a quick-tempered nature and gets your account suspended for toxicity.

In turn, you also shouldn’t play on anyone’s account. Because of the above-mentioned risks, you jeopardize losing that friendship.

Account sharing in League is usually punished by a temporary suspension, followed by a permanent ban for the second offense.

Lastly, if you do have a friend looking to pick up League, you can create a new account at the same time and play together. Once he gets hooked up, you can go back to your main one and duo together.

Suspended from LoL for Account Sharing

League Boosting Bans

Any type of boosting is a bannable offense in League. Similar to sharing your account, you’re forbidden to get boosted regardless of it being ELO, MMR, level, rewards, games played and so forth.

However, unlike account sharing, you can get MMR / ELO boosted in League without allowing someone to log into your account. That means that even playing with a very high skilled player in order to increase your in-game rank will result in getting banned from LoL.

Boosting usually carries a temporary suspension for the first offense, followed by a permanent ban if repeated.

On top of that, you’ll also be demoted to Honor 0 and lose the rewards earned as a result of getting boosted. This includes skins, borders and ranks. Besides, you’ll likely be disqualified for the current or next season, as well as have your rank reset.

Banned in League of Legends for Boosting

Selling or Buying Accounts

If you’re planning on selling or buying accounts in LoL, getting banned is just half of your concern.

As we’ve detailed in our League account suspension masterpost, regardless of how legitimate the merchant is, there’s still a big risk behind it. You see, most services flip accounts like cars. They buy them, arrange them a bit and sell them.

Thus, website X buys an account from person A and sells it to you, person B. But, the problem here is not with the website X, but with person A. Who’s to say person A doesn’t get nostalgic in a couple of years and decide to get their account back?

They definitely are able to, since they have all the original creator information and thus, will be able to recover it by contacting Riot. You’re now out of an account, in which you’ve likely invested quite a bit of time and money as well, since it was technically yours.

On the other hand, even if person A never recovers it, you’re still at a risk to get banned from League of Legends. Maybe a random report will send your account before Riot’s eyes, and they’ll notice something odd with the account.

At this point, they’ll lock it and ask you to verify your ownership information. Without it, you’re unable to get your LoL account unlocked.

Bottom line is, when buying or selling accounts, you risk both having them forever locked or recovered by the original creator.

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Fraudulent Activity

If your LoL account is locked for suspicious or fraudulent activity, that’s usually because of:

LoL Gifting Abuse

Abuse of the gifting system in LoL means using compromised accounts in order to send in-game gifts to a player. This is done intentionally, and cannot be confused with sending legit gifts.

Thus, if you’ve been restricted from League of Legends under the “suspicious or fraudulent activity” reason, and you also received multiple gifts from various accounts, it’s likely it happened due to gifting abuse.

Regarding the gifting system abuse punishments, at the very best, you’ll have all your illegally obtained gifts stripped off your account, along a temporary suspension.

On the other end, you’ll get permanently banned from LoL. This also depends on a few circumstances, such as the volume of gifts, the number of sender accounts, as well as on the amount of money involved.

Unlike other games, where you can offer to pay back the negative balance resulted from gifting, Riot doesn’t offer this chance.

Banned in LoL for Gifting Abuse

Fraudulent Purchases

Getting your account banned in League for fraudulent purchases can mean a couple different things, such as:

  • chargebacks and payment disputes;
  • using stolen payment information.

Chargebacks and payment disputes can occur as a result of:

  • you disputing or charging back a payment to Riot on purpose;
  • your bank mistakenly blocking and reverting a payment to Riot;
  • your relative, or whoever allowed you to make the purchase with their payment info, forgetting about it and disputing it;
  • the third party service you used to buy RP from, disputing the payment.

If any of the above take place, your LoL account gets suspended or locked. At this point, you are however allowed to repay the disputed amount or negative balance, by:

  • repaying your chargeback;
  • unblocking the disputed transaction with your bank;
  • asking your relative to close the dispute / repay the amount;
  • repaying the full amount in question for the goods you received from a third party seller.

And yes, if you find an awesome deal on a third party seller for half the official price, and your League account gets locked as a result of it, you need to pay Riot the entire amount (as in, the full amount).

However, the good part is that you’re not forced to pay it right away. As confirmed in Riot’s FAQ here, your League account will stay suspended until you are able to repay the negative balance, no matter when you can afford it.

On the other hand, using stolen payment information is a whole different thing. You should never engage in this type of activity, as not only will it get your LoL account permanently banned, but it’s also against the law. Yes, the real-life law.

In this regard, always be careful of where you receive your in-game gifts from, as they might originate from the above-mentioned sources.

Real Money Transactions in LoL

Real money transactions, or RMT, are any transactions you make using real-world money in exchange of in-game goods or services. League RMT bans usually result from:

  • boosting (MMR, ELO, level, etc.);
  • gifts or in-game currencies.

A banned LoL account for RMT doesn’t always mean it’s also been involved in fraudulent purchases. It just mean you’re not allowed to purchase any such goods from anyone else rather than Riot (or their official partners).

For RMT offenses, you risk:

  • temporary suspensions;
  • removal of all such obtained goods or currencies;
  • a locked account until you pay the full amount to Riot;
  • a permanently banned account.

Hacked Account

A hacked or compromised account means someone else has gained access to it, without your knowledge, and is using it as they please.

You can have your LoL account hacked into through:

  • phishing and fake emails;
  • weak password that’s easy to guess;
  • using the same password on other websites, which get hacked into;
  • logging into your account or email from unsecure computers or places (even unsecure WiFi);
  • having a virus or keylogger on your device;
  • sharing it with someone else.

If your hacked League account is banned, it likely happened as a result of the hacker:

  • trying to sell it;
  • using it to make purchases or send gifts to others;
  • cheating, harassing or offending other players.

A hacked League of Legends account is restored fairly easy upon contacting Riot.

However, as part of the recovery process, you need to prove you’re the account owner. They will ask you a bunch of questions in order to confirm your ownership. Make sure you have access to this information, as you might not be able to recover it.

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LoL Account Banned for No Reason

Contrary to what many people think, this can and does happen. This is called a false positive ban. It usually happens when the anti-cheating system wrongfully detects something on your account. In turn, you get your LoL account banned for no reason.

League of Legends false positive bans can also come as a result of:

  • mass and false reports against you;
  • legitimate software mistaken for cheat (such as OBS or NVIDIA Shield);
  • logging in from multiple devices or locations within a short period of time;
  • being mistaken for a bot.

Apart from false positive bans, there’s also human mistakes to take into account. These also can and happen, especially as a result of a player report.

Banned in League of Legends for No Reason

Human mistake bans in League usually happen as a result of a player report following an unusual win-streak. In fact, if you decide to play from a different location, and you’re in such a great shape that you land a 20-game win-streak, you might accidentally land yourself a ban.

And, fun fact, it’s pretty hard to convince Riot that it was actually you playing the game. Especially if you never played from that location before. They’re more likely to assume you were getting boosted by someone else.

What is Not Bannable in League of Legends?

Quite a few reasons that can get you banned, no? Well, let’s also see what’s not bannable in League, namely:

  • smurfing;
  • having multiple accounts (your own);
  • playing behind a VPN;
  • playing on different regions or servers;
  • changing your region to buy RP with a different currency.

Not that many, but still. The most important takeaway here is that you will not get banned from League of Legends if you play the game legitimately. That means:

  • don’t cheat in any way;
  • don’t be rude to others;
  • don’t share your account;
  • don’t do RMT;
  • don’t make it easy to have your League account hacked into.


Well, this is it! These are all the reasons for which you can get banned from League of Legends. Let us know if you have a similar or different issue and remember, if you need our help, we’re here for you!

How long does a LoL ban last?

That depends on the nature of your ban, but League bans can last from 14-days up to a permanent ban.
Keep in mind that only toxicity offenses can carry a temporary suspension. For cheating accusations, you will get permanently banned.

Can you get banned for buying accounts in League?

Yes. In fact, Riot has a very good track record of identifying and banning sold or bought accounts.
That said, this type of ban can only be overturned if you the seller provided you with the ownership information required to verify your identity as part of the appeal process.

How many reports does it take to get banned in LoL?

There isn’t a specific number, but getting reported multiple times within a short period of time will likely get you automatically restricted from the in-game chat.
However, for severe toxicity, you can get banned even weeks after getting reported, once a Rioter reviews the case.

How many times can you get banned before a permanent one?

For toxicity cases, you can get chat restricted twice (3 and 7-day) and temporary suspended once (14 days), before getting permanently banned.
However, for severe toxicity, boosting, RMT or cheating accusations, you will get a perma ban right off the bat, without prior warnings.

Does Riot ban IP or HWID in League?

Riot does not ban IP. They do however have the ability to ban HWID for LoL, but they very rarely use it, and it’s mostly for extreme cases.

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About the Author


Michael, founder and writer of Unbanster, brings over 20 years of gaming experience and a law degree to his specialized work in his unbanning service. Though he didn't pursue a traditional career in law, his unique legal perspective enables him to tackle the ins and outs of gaming policies and appeals processes. Motivated by a personal unjust ban, Michael launched Unbanster in 2015 to aid gamers facing similar challenges, having successfully assisted thousands to date, striving to ensure fairness and transparency in the gaming community.

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